This course addresses the legal, ethical and research aspects of preparing to become an IBCLC. Content is specific to the legal responsibilities of lactation practice, the ethical parameters to inform and guide practice and research principles to underpin practice.
Course Information
This course is equivalent to 10 hours of learning. The course is one of thirteen (13) courses that make up the Lactation Consultant Examination Preparation (Exam Prep - EP) program. Courses in the Exam Prep program may be studied as an individual course based on your interest or education requirements.
The 10 completed hours can be used as:
The 10 completed hours can be used as:
- Comprehensive education related to the lactation specific education for the IBLCE® examination eligibility, and/or,
- Continuing Professional Development for medical officers, midwives, nurses, and allied health professionals.
*The 10 hours are calculated on completion of the essential course content - Additional Resources materials are supplementary and therefore not included in the 10 hours.
Broad Aims of the Course
The broad aims for this course are:
- Explore the principles of ethical practice in relation to the practice of International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs).
- Examine the legal aspects of lactation consultancy and working with women.
- Analyse research principles that lead to evidence-based practice.
Access Time
- Single courses are open for 30 days from the time of activation.
- You activate the course when you have the time and motivation to successfully complete the course.
- There is a discount if you purchase all 13 Exam Prep courses together - you still activate the courses as you are ready:
- Each course will only be open for 30 days from activation
- Do not activate all 13 courses at once
- Once you have completed the content with the course, you will still have access to the content for the duration of the purchased time.
Learning Resources
The course is inbuilt with video presentations, self-directed learning activities and quizzes in each section.
There are:
- Downloadable resources
- Links to additional content and resources
- Self-directed learning activities
IBLCE® Detailed Content Outline
This course covers the following items from the IBLCE® Detailed Content Outline.
VII. Clinical Skills
C. Ethical and Legal Issues here
1. Breastfeeding in public
2. Clinical competencies
3. Code of Professional Conduct (CPC)
4. Principles of confidentiality
D. Research here
1. Apply evidence-based practice
2. Interpret research results
3. Use research to help develop policies and protocols
4. Design research (including gaining ethical permission)
5. Participate in surveys and data collection
E. Public Health and Advocacy here
2. Advocate for compliance with World Health Organization International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes (WHO Code)
3. Advocate for mother / infant in healthcare system
4. Develop breastfeeding-related policies
5. Advocate to government / health ministries
6. Breastfeeding in emergency situations (e.g., natural disasters, personal emergencies)
Course Content Overview
Course Profile
Recommended Readings
Additional Resources
Module 1: Legal Principles
Learning Outcomes
Human Rights
Consent: A Legal Essential
Practice & Legal Perspectives
Self Directed Learning Activity - International Conventions
Quiz - Conventions
Self Directed Learning Activity - Legal tools
Quiz - Legal tools
Module 2: Ethical Principles
Learning Outcomes
Take the Ethical Lead
Frameworks, Barriers and Dilemmas
Practice by the Rules
Self Directed Learning Activity - Scope, codes and competencies
Quiz - Scope, codes and competencies
Self Directed Learning Activity - Ethical tools
Quiz - Ethical tools
Module 3: Research Principles
Learning Outcomes
Research Overview
Levels of Evidence
Critical Appraisal of Research
Self Directed Learning Activity - Critical appraisal in research
Quiz - Critical appraisal
Self Directed Learning Activity - Reading graphs
Quiz - Graphs
Holistic quiz

$110.00 AUD
CERP's Approved
7 E CERP Hours
3 R CERP Hours